
It is the responsibility of the user of this website to read the terms and conditions stated on this page and agree prior to continued use of the website. Any purchase made on this website indicates that the buyer has read and agree with these terms. Wild Petals Boutique may occasionally update these terms, it is the responsibility of the buyer to reread terms and conditions prior to each purchase.


After I receive your booking request I will send a proposal which includes a contract with the following information and a invoice for the initial deposit.


The first payment for flower preservation orders is due upon receipt of proposal, and it is a non-refundable 50% deposit. The remaining payment is due once your flowers are dried, designs are approved and ready for resin. I will not begin to pour resin until complete payment is received.  If you require a different payment plan please send me an email to discuss.

Your date will be held for 7 days after the proposal is sent to you. If invoice remains unpaid, and contract unsigned after 7 days, your booking request will be void and your wedding date will be made available for another bride.

A late booking fee is applied to any orders placed less than 1 week prior to the event. The fee will be $50 for 3-6 days prior to event, $100 for 1-2 days prior or after the event.

The buyer is responsible for any customs taxes acquired on international orders. The product pricing and shipping fees listed on this website does not include these potential customs taxes. Wild Petals Boutique has no responsibility to cover any additional customs fees.


The prices listed on this website are in Canadian Dollars(CAD). In some cases there may be additional fees if you’re paying in a different currency, it is the responsibility of the buyer to contact their credit card provider and be aware of these fees. Wild Petals Boutique accepts no responsibility for these potential fees.

Shipping(if applicable)

Fresh flowers must be shipped first thing the morning following the wedding, and must be sent overnight through FedEx. Please expect costly shipping expenses for overnight shipping. Local drop-off and pick-up is available to avoid shipping costs(near High River, Alberta). Prompt receival of flowers is very important, this will affect how the final piece will look. Dried flowers and final pieces will only look as good as the fresh flowers look when I receive them. I will provide you with packaging and shipping(or drop off) instructions after booking is confirmed.

Care of Flowers

Handling of flowers prior to me receiving them can affect how they will appear in the final resin piece. Please be gentle with your flowers and avoid touching petals. If you plan on doing a bouquet toss, you are advised to have a fake bouquet or a smaller replica to use for the bouquet toss so as not to damage your flowers.

Upgrades and order changes

You can upgrade the size you selected or add on additional shapes and sizes any time prior to shipping or dropping off flowers. Upgrading before Wild Petals Boutique receives your flowers will ensure we dry the right amount of flowers for your pieces. If you'd like to add/change your order after Wild Petals Boutique has accepted your flowers, this is still possible if there are enough dried flowers.

Flower Drying, Designing, and Resin

Turn around time is estimated at about 6-10 months. This is an estimation, not a guarantee. Some orders may be completed sooner, some orders may take longer.

I do not send design options for approval prior to pouring resin. Upon booking with me you have thoroughly reviewed my work and trust my judgment in creating a stunning piece catered to your specific flowers. The client has chosen Wild Petals Boutique as their artist based on the general style and quality of Wild Petals Boutiques work and trusts their decisions and designing in the creating process.

Each piece is carefully handmade, and although I take the utmost care with each piece, minor defects are a possibility.

Although I take several measures in the process to minimize air bubbles in each piece, there is always the possibility of some air bubbles, as the flowers release air during the curing of the resin.

Some flowers will change colour during the drying process.

  • Most red flowers dry really dark

  • Certain pink flowers turn purple

  • Some whites will turn off-white

  • Some purples dry very dark purple

  • Some blues will turn purple

  • Lilies and orchids will dry very thin and delicate, often turning somewhat transparent once placed in resin.

    If you have questions about specific flowers and colours changes during drying please contact me to discuss. Flowers can also be bruised. These bruises may not be noticeable while fresh or even dried but once put in resin they can appear as wet or transparent spots. This is fairly common and unavoidable.

All resin will take on a slightly amber appearance over time. The resin I use is UV resistant to minimize this colour change. It is recommended to keep your piece out of direct sunlight and away from extreme heat. Resin pieces can also be scratched with sharp objects.  You will receive care instructions with your final pieces.

Wild Petals Boutique will not be held accountable in the event that art pieces are lost or damaged in the shipping process or due to natural disaster. Wild Petals Boutique is also not responsible if fresh flowers are damaged or delayed in the shipping process.

If the flowers are never received by Wild Petals Boutique due to misplacement in transit or are received too late due to shipping delays(proof of shipment date/transit number required) that Wild Petals Boutique cannot work with the flowers, there will be the option to cancel the booking(this is the only time the initial 50% deposit will be returned) or for the client to purchase replacement flowers similar to those in the original bouquet and create a piece with those flowers.

If you are sending anything else with your flowers to be placed into your piece(fabric, piece of lace, jewelry, etc.) please place it in a ziploc bag to prevent contact with flowers and possible staining.

Wild Petals Boutique does not dry the entire bouquet, enough flowers for the pieces selected are dried(some extra). After completion of the project extra flowers are disposed of. If you are hoping to complete another project with your flowers feel free to remove some flowers to keep for yourself prior to shipping or dropping off your flowers to me.


If client desires to cancel services after payment of initial deposit and signed contract, deposit will not be refunded. Rescheduling is possible if necessary, provided there is availability on the new date. If this is necessary, please send an email requesting new date. Some exceptions may be made on a case by case basis.

Personal Information

Personal information collected on this website is used solely for fulfilling the order placement(ie. payment, shipment, delivery, contact if required). Wild Petals Boutique will never share your personal information with a third party other than what is required to complete order and delivery.

This website is encrypted. Meaning information that is entered on this website is sent in code which prevents unauthorized access.


Nothing on this website may be used by anyone other than Wild Petals Boutique without written consent.

Omissions and Inaccuracies

Although I try my very best to ensure all information on this website is accurate and complete, there may be errors on this website. Wild Petals Boutique cannot wholly ensure the completeness or accuracy of the information on this website.